Books Bygone

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Rocky's Famous!

The conversation just now:

"Rocky! Did you see Aggie blogged about you?"


"How thoughtful of her!"


"Lots and lots of people read Aggie's blog. You're famous!"


"I see I am mentioned only as 'his cohort'."

"Now, now Missy. You're missing the point. If Aggie had named a raccoon after you, Rocky would have been 'her cohort'. Right Rocky?"

"Ruff, ruff."

"Just to be clear, you haven't connived to make the trip to Aggie's down on the coast, have you?"


"I can't make any promises. I mean, look at the situation from my point of view. 'Rocky, Rocky, Rocky.' That's all I hear around here. And now this! Rocky gets blogged about-- by name-- and what do I get? Maybe a little vacation would do me good. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, you know."

"Oh Missy. We all love you. But not everything can be about you. Don't you think Rocky deserves to be blogged about by someone other than I?"


"I'm not saying everything should be about me. But for crying out loud! Much as I love him, have you heard him speak? He has a vocabulary of literally one word!"


"I, on the other hand, am anything but prosaic. I am scrupulous in making sure my words communicate the exact shades of my meaning. I don't like to flaunt it, but ... "

"Ruff! Ruff ruff!!"

"Excuse me. Rocky hears something. I gotta go. We can continue this conver... ."


"I heard you the first time. I'm coming! Ruff ruff!!"


  1. I am not sure if they are going to commit you or me. LOL

    1. LOL! I almost chocked on my chicken leg when I read that.

      But seriously. I think it speaks to our *good* mental health that we are still able to laugh & have fun in a world this screwed up, don't you?


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.