Books Bygone

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sentences of the Day

This was our first official evening of Word of the Day: Can You Use It in a Sentence? sentence reading. I kidded that I should ask for absolution for having written such a boring sentence and Miss M thought that was my sentence. I wish it had been.

The objective of Word of the Day: Can You Use It in a Sentence? however, is not to entertain, but to inform. To whit:

"I offer you all absolution," muttered a petulant President _____, as yet another policy met with widespread public disapproval.
--Mr. Big Food

By the grace naturally endowed to me and further natural happen-stances I hereby grant absolution in temporum to [Miss M] for her unintended lapses of friendship as well as the other miscellany of indiscretions committed against me.

There will be no absolution granted to those who utter bullshit, namely [A. Leland].
--Miss M
Daughter C dined in Starkvegas this evening. We offer her absolution for being tardy in turning in her sentence in written form. She did send me an email today!
I hope this photograph will enable you to grant me absolution for my sins of waking you up this morning!
Taken with her iPhone about 6 this morning.

Mr. Big Food's Dad recommends Wordsmith A.Word.A.Day. I signed up! Should be fun!

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