Books Bygone

Monday, October 14, 2013


Many mothers and homemakers were artisans in their own right, knowing how to sew, knit, crochet, and tat beautiful clothing & home furnishings of the highest quality; sadly, their daughters were not interested in learning these crafts.

John is a meat artisan known around campus for his extraordinary BBQ skills.
--Daughter C

The true artisan habituates patients patience as well as an experimental method.
--A. Leland

He was an artisan, but also an abject partisan.
--Mr. Big Food


  1. Things look back to normal. Bizarre.

    Do you know anyone who tats? We had a nun in our school who did. It was fun and amazing to watch her tat while she watched TV at the same time. Her hands would fly but only occasionally would she look down. I can't even do that with crocheting, though somewhat with knitting... and I thought tatting looked _much_ more difficult and precise than either of those!

    1. I do not. I have some tatted pieces the Girls' great-grandmother did. And I suspect my mother- and aunt-in-law probably do know someone who does.

      I have not looked in The Woman's Institute Library of Dressmaking to see if there are instructions for tatting. I should. There are instructions for lacy-making.

      I fear I have crossed over the point where I could learn how to do these things, though, as you describe. I usedtacould with cross stitch and crewel. Maybe I could pick those up. The Girls on the other hand... .


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