Books Bygone

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Highlight Reel

We made the most of our final day in Lubbock.

We saw this,
and 47 other structures from the frontier days.
We drove out to the east and saw

the sorriest looking cotton I have ever seen
on our way to
Ransom Canyon,
where, as at the Heritage Center, 

there are some interesting abodes.
From there we made our way to 

home of
where they brewed a pot of coffee for us to enjoy with
our cookies while we
looked around the museum of old baking equipment.
Just around the square from the bakery there was an antique store!

It was here that we were able to put a face to the place.

Mr. O. L. Slaton
(As an aside, just so I remember to mention this again, there was big money in getting a town named after you back in the crappy olden days of the RR.)

We then proceeded to depart Slaton,

via the scenic route,
and return to our sweet suite in Lubbock, Texas.

We went to the 'burbs for supper at a Texas Steakhouse Chain. (No. Not the one with sawdust floors. One that serves real steaks.) 

Tomorrow? Back to Mississippi! Texas is always fun-- no place like it! But it's time to be back on the Farm. 

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