Books Bygone

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday Supper

Carrot Casserole I about to go into the oven
Daughter C made the best fire. Ever.

We used our imaginations.

And we did some 'hands-on' projects

Yes. That is broccoli raab you see in there. As we were enjoying our salads, A. Leland commented that he'd never eaten flowers before. OMG. The range of topics with which I disagree with A. Leland is vast. But I always thought we could agree that broccoli is a flower.

Photos of food below

Venison chili, from the deer Chris got.
Carrot Casserole I on my plate

The tortillas are wrapped up in the towels.


  1. Yay the statues! They are my favorite. Everything looks great!

    1. Thanks! It was a fine evening.

      The statues are a hoot, aren't they?


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.