Books Bygone

Friday, April 18, 2014

I hear tell

there's going to be a produce shortage. And you know what happens when that happens, don't you? Produce prices go up. (I took Econ101. & 102. You can check my college transcripts, if you wish.)

I did serious research.
I'm quite certain I've forgotten something-- though Swiss chard is the only thing that comes to mind-- but I'm hoping to have a banner produce year.

Lettuce: ✔
Avacodos; :-(
Broccoli: Broccoli Raab,  ✔ ✔; other varieties, we'll see
Grapes: Grapes are nice. I don't plan or plant my life around grapes, but grapes are nice. We have several varieties of grapes here in Mississippi. I could live with them. 
Tomatoes: Glad you asked! I planted 34/50 of them today. 
Melons:  ✔ ✔
Peppers:  ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ I reviewed the pepper selection this afternoon with Miss M. As it turns out, I have no green bell pepper seedlings. By the way-- we had a great pepper season in 2013. I pulled one of the last couple of bags of frozen peppers out of my freezer this afternoon. It was dated 9/22. The seedlings look good. I am hopeful.
Berries: What to say here? The dewberries are slow to bloom this year. BUT... We did bushhog late last summer. So maybe there will be a bunch of dewberries-- for dewberry jam. We shall see.
Corn: I've been beaten by corn. I think this will be a better year.
Packaged Salad: We don't grow Packaged Salad here on the Farm.

Oh! That Mache SomethingOrOtherSalad is coming up! So is the escarole. 

And truth be told, it won't be all that long until I'm thinning. And you know what happens when that happens, don't you? We start to eat fresh salad, with homemade dressing.

It's good for Brain Growth.

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