Books Bygone

Monday, June 2, 2014

RINOs of America UNTIE | UPDATE!

Okay. That's a joke. I think the original T-shirt read, "Bad spellers of America Untie."

From Y'all Politics:

One endorsement is usually not enough to move the needle in a campaign. However, when taken in totality, endorsements often provide a very clear picture of where the battle lines are drawn in a contested race. There is no clearer example of that than the race between Thad Cochran and Chris McDaniel.
It goes on to list the endorsements the two clowns candidates running for the United States Senate-- you know, that great deliberative body-- have garnered. 

Cochran has the NRA. McDaniel has Gun Owners of America. 'Nuff said. But if you need a good laugh this morning, go check out both lists

Aggie comments:
I'm writing in my dog.


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.