Books Bygone

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Recipe: Creative Cooking Risotto

“For Risotto (re-SOT-to), instead of transferring the rice to a casserole, place it in a large iron skillet. Add 1 cup stock. When this has been completely absorbed, add more stock in ½ cup intervals until the last addition has been absorbed and rice is tender.”—The Creative Cooking Course (1982)


4 Tbsp butter
1 C long grain rice
2 C beef or chicken stock (preferably homemade—see recipes in Basics section)

Melt butter in a heavy skillet, add rice, and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until butter is absorbed. Pour in 1 C stock and cook, stirring frequently, until stock has been absorb ed. Add another ½ C stock and cook until stock is absorbed. Add remaining stock, stir well, cover, and simmer until stock has been absorbed, stirring occasionally. “Cooking time will be about 25 minutes after first addition of stock.”

Serve with Sauteed zucchini and Frano Syrian chicken for Fancy Night Dinner

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