Books Bygone

Monday, December 29, 2014

Goose Gumbo

The richest gumbo ever in the history of mankind
If you think you've seen this gumbo before, you are right & wrong. RIGHT: Mr. Big Food has made Turkey/Duck Gumbo El Dorado many times. But it's not every day he roasts a Christmas Goose so that we have leftover goose for goose gumbo. WRONG: You've not seen the goose version until today. Trust me. It was worth waiting for!

Recipe here


  1. Is gumbo the "last night of the goose"? In our house, the last night of the "whatever" is usually curry...

    When you get curry, that means no more leftovers!

    1. Yes & no. There was leftover gumbo. And what we didn't eat for lunch was frozen. I think we put up 10 portions of 2C each. Frozen gumbo comes in really handy.

  2. Once you put it in the freezer, it no longer qualifies as "left-overs" becomes wisely planned and stored meals for another day...!!!


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