Books Bygone

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Maben Home & Garden Club

Today, it was my pleasure to give a presentation to the Maben Home & Garden Club monthly meeting.

Lisa, our county extension agent, had called me last Thursday to asked if I could give a talk to the club the coming Tuesday (today). Sure! But it wasn't until yesterday that we were able to meet. I asked her what she wanted me to talk about and she said, "Girl, you can talk about anything you want." She added that she didn't think they were all that into vegetable gardening. So I talked about veggies.

The title of my talk was, "Grandmas, Moms, and Vegetable Gardens."

I had never been to a Garden Club meeting, and so I wasn't sure about what sort of presentation would be acceptable. But I figured I couldn't go wrong showing a bunch of photos. So I started off showing some photos of Mom's garden, with a bit about how she grows veggies now (front yard, individual plants, contrasted with the full-on veggie garden she used to have), into some photos of my perennial garden at out former home, and those that show how I came to be such a big veggie gardener, finishing with a photo of me in my front yard veggie garden.

I then mention that I capitalized on the interest of growing veggies by starting a little business, where I taught people how to grow veggies.  I end with a slide that says what a lot of my clients said to me,
My Grandma had a big veggies garden. My mom never learned. So I don't know how.

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