Books Bygone

Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday Thoughts: Cyber Monday Edition

J.C. Penney, Lines of a Layman, 1956
To be clear, much as I like Mr. Penney, and much as I admire the company he founded, I am no fan of JCPenney these days. JCPenney, circa 2011, is the antithesis of 
That first little store I called "The Golden Rule."*
I've claimed that Mr. Penney would not approve of "Black Friday." By that I mean both the term, and the practices thereof. How do I know this?

Do these words sound like they've been written by a man who would ask thousands of his associates to be at work at 3am on the day after Thanksgiving? I think not.
*Do not get me started on that other retail empire begun by a liar, thief and former JCPenney associate, Sam Walton.

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