Books Bygone

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

*We passed by a very remarkable scene at the courthouse-- which we have to pass by every time we head to town-- about 9:30pm. I'll talk about it soon.

*We passed by a very remarkable scene at the courthouse-- which we have to pass by every time we head to town-- about 9:30pm. I'll talk about it soon.
I'm coming to understand that Daughter K has my gift of story-telling.

The Sheriff's race was contested. Our neighbor is a guy we've gotten to know a bit, and who we like, and would probably trust. He served some time in Afghanistan. I think he was in the calvery. He lost his hearing and now has a horse. He's our "neighbor" because we share a property line.

See how easy it is to write this shit?

But seriously, Our Neighbor is a deputy sherrif. We know him a little, and like him a lot.  We share a property line. We were interested in his views on the sherrif's race. 

He gave them to me. I asked a few questions, he gave me answers; we discussed a few general matters, and I voted for a Democrat for Sherrif.

And then he ended up aploogizing. Turns out that since this is such a small county, and since the county seat is in such a small town, people gather at the county seat--- actaully at the "tennis court" across the street from the courthouse-- to see the election results come in. 

He apologized that he hadn't told us about this before. 

AND THEN  I turned left and  saw the trucks and cars at The Courthouse.

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