Books Bygone

Monday, January 23, 2012

Missy & "[o]ne further point"

Please excuse the state of the floor-- it's taken a beating these last few days.
Each of the parquet tiles is 6" square: elbow to paw tips = 1'; body length approx. = 2'. 

Daughter C advised me to break her of a bad habit or two, while I still can. Good advise! And so, after having done some less than abundantly fruitful basic research on the World Wide Web, I resorted to pulling a crappy old book off the shelf.
One further point before we go on to the details of training and housebreaking. Never, under any imaginable circumstances correct or discipline your dog when you have called him to you, or when he has come to you of his own accord. ... You have only to put yourself in his position (a very good idea when considering any aspect of training, incidentally)... . The Complete Dog Book (1961)
Also, do not use her name when correcting her. It's an associative learning thing, I think.
More Misc. thoughts below.

She does seem to be quite smart. When not distracted, she can sit and lay and give me her paw. It's been a remarkably successful day on the bodily functions front. (Did I mention that Rocky is now a full-grown adolescent male dog?)  

Unfortunately, she is easily distracted.  

C's been helping me. C trains excellent dogs.

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