Books Bygone

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh! Em! Gee!

At Daughter C's suggestion, I am perusing the World Wide Web seeking information on training a German Shepherd Dog - Labrador Retriever Dog mutt, otherwise known as a "Labrashepherd" or "Sheprador." (OMG, r u kidding me?) The first three pages of search results contained a great number of Qs and As at dog forums, and general websites devoted to answering questions disseminating misinformation.

I have a few questions, myself. 

1. How hard is it to put your pinky finger on the shift key (or hit that little ↑ button on your iPhone) so as to type "I" rather than "i," as in "I have a question"? 
i will be getting a 3/4 lab 1/4 shepherd mix in a month, it will be 2 months old when i get it. i wanted to read up on books on them, but wanted to no if it was ok to read books bout a labrador. will it be the same or not?
there r things i want to no, to.

2. Did none of you "expert" answerers take Biology in High School? Oh my God!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
In my opinion mixed breed dogs do not neccesarily keep the traits of their parents, although they "can." ... [My emphasis]
IMHO, this person needs to take a class in logic, or maybe read a dictionary, or

3. think about a Punnett Square.  

4. How much research went into this statement?
Dogs learn through a reward system based on positive reinforcement such as praise and treats. [My emphases]
Which ones have something to do with motivation?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

omg German Shepards are like my fav dogs they r so obediante. Right when u get them as a pup yur gona need to train it if u want it to do some amazing things.They are just amazing animals and bond SO well. I also suggest for more good training to feed the dog little pieces of chicken liver as an award for its tricks. But for that kind of food, they really have to do something amazing. I also suggest cut up carrots too. Well a\have a nice time with yur dog!
Here's what I don't understand, if this guy/gal had enough time to distill down all of the very good information on the World Wide Web about this mutt designer dog, and communicate it to a population of his/her peers, why didn't he have enough time to spell "a-r-e"-- a word that is used frequently, and so should just roll off the fingertips?

Or right click on that squiggly line under "obediante" (which is a perfectly phonetically correct spelling of a frequently, though subtly, mispronounced word)? 
It's enough to want me GMOYA.

I have purposefully not provided any links. It's not my intention to call attention to any particular individuals or web sites. The search phrase I used is in the first sentence. 

C 4 ur self.

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