Books Bygone

Friday, January 27, 2012

Tornado Room

I'm no expert on the weather-- much less the climate-- in Mississippi in January. But the word I'm hearing is that this is an unusually warm January. Mind you, our first winter here was unusually cold, and our second winter here was unusually snowy. 

There have already been some tornadoes in Alabama and Texas.

So I thought that it would be smart to clean up the laundry room-- the most interior room-- the room into which three people and three dogs and one cat might eventually wind up.

(It was just coincidence that the laundry room is adjacent to the bedroom where Missy lives and Rocky visits. I can clean the laundry room and the dogs can play fight and I can still be watching them.)

I hope I never have to see a full-on tornado. But I know that tornadoes come with Mississippi. That's why I spent today getting the laundry room cleaned up, taking stock of the battery provisions, thinking about how much more water we need now that we have another thirsty dog. 

I have some gaps to fill. (The canned pineapple in the provisions box has seen better days.)

I bet you do, too. Get 'er done.

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