Books Bygone

Sunday, February 19, 2012


A grassroots protest movement erupted last month in Poland and spread quickly across the former Eastern Bloc and beyond. The growing opposition against the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, or ACTA, has raised questions about the fate of the treaty, which is important to the governments of the United States and other industrialized economies.

There have been street protests across Eastern Europe, attacks on government websites in the Czech Republic and Poland, even a heartfelt apology from a Slovenian ambassador who signed it and then decried her act as “civic carelessness.”

In a region where people remember being spied upon and controlled by oppressive communist regimes, the treaty has provoked fears of a new surveillance regime.
They’re right to be angry, and Americans are wrong to be complacent.

Posted at 1:25 pm by Glenn Reynolds   
[my emphasis]
Links didn't transfer. Here's the permalink at Instapundit.

Funny that I'm seeing this just now, given the brief exchange Mr. Big Food and I had about CeauČ™escu just an hour or so ago. 

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