Books Bygone

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How about dinner & a movie?

Not tonight, thanks. Perhaps some other time?
We were going to watch Bonnie and Clyde this evening. It would have been a perfect evening for a movie. It's forecast to be about 18* tonight. I've already got a good fire going. The Tex-Mex casserole of tortillas, chicken, and stuff is in the fridge soaking up the sauce. It just needs to bake. The kitchen's clean. The dogs are tired out (for now).

Thanks to a dog who should know better but will remain nameless, we are now staring down the barrel of a dominoes evening. Which is o.k. I like playing dominoes. They are more indestructible than DVDs. 

If something is indestructible, how can it be more so?

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