Books Bygone

Friday, February 10, 2012

How to reinforce a stereotype?

Do something stereotypically stupid, like proposing to rename the Gulf of Mexico: Mississippi House Bill 150. I commented on this yesterday. And now I'm seeing it All over the World Wide Web. From Jazz Shaw (read the whole thing) at Hot Air:
I’m not entirely sure where one state legislature comes up with the power to start renaming international bodies of water, but I still find this idea really exciting. Imagine the possibilities! In a tit for tat move, Mexico could rename the Gulf of California. (Take a look at the map… the Gulf of California doesn’t even touch California. It’s entirely bounded by Mexico.) And for those of you who never really trusted out neighbors to the north, we could rename Lake Huron to something like… Lake Ted Nugent. (Suck it, Canada!)
One more reason folks should stay away from Mississippi.

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