Books Bygone

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Happy Spring Forward Day! / How about a Burger?

I turned on my computer today, a week after the spill, for about 10 seconds--   just long enough to see the now vertical pink columns on what should have been a pure white screen. I am inclined to be in a very foul mood. Fortunately, the Day that Mr. Big Food Has Been Looking Forward To To Which Mr. Big Food Has Been Looking Forward (to) has arrived. 

He has been planning what to grill out when he can grill out at a reasonably late hour but still grill in the daylight for a couple of weeks now. For a couple of weeks now, he's been saying, "In just nine (eight, seven... ) days, this will be five (four, three... ) minutes after seven. And now is today! 

Early on, he settled on burgers. Mr. Big Food makes an excellent burger. This evening's burgers were a fine example. "Diner Burgers." The onions were marinated in olive oil and lemon juice for a couple of hours. The beef was ground late in the afternoon, just before we cleaned the kitchen. It's been threatening to storm, and it was very windy when he built the fire. I think he over-built it on purpose. (He grilled a steak for Thursday's supper before he grilled the burgers.)

We had the dogs out for a while (they had a very good day and are so tired that I don't even need to dwell on them; this one mention is enough) but we'd re-arranged Missy's tie-out space earlier today and it's not working too well. We had to take into consideration what was about to happen: raw beef & fire. Missy has a comfortable box, and Rocky has a comfortable room. There were no collapses today. 

Just after I did some household management, Mr. Big Food laid the onion buns over the coals for about one minute (I brushed them with olive oil after he pulled them off), and then he grilled the steak that will we have as a "spread" for Thursday's supper, and then he grilled the best burgers.

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