Books Bygone

Monday, March 26, 2012

Recipe: Summer Squash Soup / It's not going to win any contests, but it was good.

This evening's supper marked the beginning of our Spring/Summer Soup Contest. The first entrant was Summer Squash Soup. It was good. There's not much more to say. There's really no reason to describe it in detail since it's not even going to make it to the dance. I did go back for seconds, though.

My comments should not discourage you from enjoying it! It's simple, fresh, and delicious. I just know, from experience, that there will be Spring/Summer Soups that will be better. All entrants in the soups contests are at least a standard deviation out from the norm (if quantifying soup is possible, which it's not). As we progress through the contests, we are looking for those which are two or three.

One addition to the recipe was a bit of evaporated milk-- half & half or heavy cream would have worked just as well, we just happened to have an opened container of evaporated milk in the fridge. 

Recipe below.


Serves 6

2 medium yellow squash, chopped
2 medium green zucchini squash, chopped
1 ½ C celery leaves
3 Tbsp butter
3 ½ C chicken stock (preferably homemade—see recipes in Basics section)
Salt, pepper, to taste
Celery salt to taste
2 tsp parsley, chopped
Croutons (for garnish, and preferably homemade—see recipes in Basics section)

Cook squash, zucchini, and celery leaves in butter until tender. Place mixture in blender with some of the chicken stock and puree. Pour mixture into stock pot, add remaining chicken stock, salt and pepper, and celery salt. “Serve hot or cold. Garnish with parsley or croutons.”

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