Books Bygone

Monday, April 23, 2012

My walk with Rocky

This will be brief, and there will be no photo.

Rocky was bored with the Pond Pasture and asked to go somewhere different today. That's easy! To the North Pasture!

Setting aside that we had to hopscotch around the fire ant hills, it began quite nicely. There was scat for Rocky to examine, and I checked the progress of the dewberries up by the leaning tree. (They are setting fruit and coming along nicely.)

An old photo. The leaning tree is on the left.
We made the right turn at the top of the west path and could really hear Mr. Cotton Farmer at work down below. We paused a few moments at the summit and then continued on, turning right onto the east path of the North Pasture.

I do not believe I have given any history of the Farm-- which is quite interesting, but long. For now let me just say this. The former owner had some kids who Sue at State Farm described as "hellions." To say that they had little respect for property is an understatement. We continue to find crap (and I mean that in a bad way) all over the property. Earlier this spring, I found a broken bicycle in the Pond Pasture. Rocky has dug up cat food cans in places he's allowed to dig near the patio. I'm digging up the front "flower beds" (scoff) now and have unearthed several spoons. (Who just tosses a spoon in a "flower bed?") 

As Rocky & I began walking down the east path, I looked ahead and saw a rather large piece of inter-tube right in the middle of the path. Nothing surprises me. There's even a broken down bush-hog near the pile of railroad ties.

There is no photo of today's walk because just as soon as Rocky bent his little head down to sniff the inter-tube, it slithered away, I screamed, and Rocky jumped pretty darned fast.

It would have made a good photograph. "Black snake sunning."

I think we will avoid taking any walks through Copperhead Crossing.

And now, to dig up some more spoons.

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