Books Bygone

Thursday, April 5, 2012

One of Rocky's kind is a Hero!

I saw a link to this story as we were waiting in a waiting room in Memphis. (Aside #1: I am so tired of going to Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, but we did find two shortcuts! Aside #2: Family, all is well. Just routine.)
A gunman, posing as a FedEx deliveryman, wearing a uniform, rang the bell and said he had a package, but then pushed his way into the apartment.

“He barged in. My first reaction after seeing the gun is push him out, so I pushed him to the door. Like I said, he fell like wedged right by the door. I slammed him inside the door and he was stuck and tried to get out now because he was getting crushed,” Becker [the "victim"] said.

His girlfriend has been holding the dog and let go.


“Now Kilo [the pitt bull] came out to protect me. Grrr, he tried to come through the door at the guy, his head was out. Grrr, then I heard the guy, three gunshots,” Becker said.

One of the shots hit the dog in the head.

“It did ricochet off the skull and went straight down and exited at the neck,” Dr. Panarello [the vet] said.

The vet staff put a superhero insignia on this bandage.
[None of the grammatical errors above are mine. I just copied and pasted.]

I hope Rocky is never faced with a situation like this. But if he is, I am certain he'll be courageous, he is on his way to becoming an excellent dog, after all-- and I hope he'll be as lucky as Kilo, who is recovering nicely.

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