Books Bygone

Monday, May 28, 2012

Smoke & Windows

The view from the kitchen window
I did some more berry scouting today.

I need to figure out an efficient way to harvest the many many small ripe berries.
We had another summer salad. I pulled the red carrots, and tested the rest.

We gnawed on things covered in homemade blue cheese dressing.

As I write, Rocky & Missy are reestablishing some boundaries... remembering some rules.

And are now both crashed. On opposite sides of the room. 

And now? Fighting over an old chew toy. I am not kidding. This chew toy has been around forever, and no dog gave a rodent's butt about it after the novelty wore off. Until tonight. 

She is about three times bigger than he is-- on any measure of BIG. But there is no way on God's Green Earth that Missy wins in a tug-of-war.

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