Books Bygone

Sunday, June 24, 2012

All we do is eat!: Recipes Page

In addition to the main page you are reading, there is a "Recipes" page here at the blog that has a list of recipes I've posted and links to the recipe's post. The link to the Recipe Page is in the header under the blog title. This page has been out of date for months-- and I apologize for that. I took advantage of Mr. Big Food's recent absence and the warm spell we're having here (yes, it was too warm for me to work outside this afternoon) to update the page and do a spot of organization of the list.

It was fun traveling down Food Memory Lane! But I also realized I've been very neglectful lately about taking photos and posting recipes. I'll try to do better because we are eating well, and rather inexpensively, I might add. 

I've one favor to ask. If you know-- because you copied it to a notecard-- I've posted a recipe for something, and you don't see it on the recipe page, please let me know so I can correct the list. 

In just a bit I will pull some Spicy Frozen Cucumbers (from last year!) out of the freezer. We'll have those with tonight's supper. For those who have an overabundance of cukes this season, here's the recipe.

Eat well!

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