Books Bygone

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Follow us to supper

Salad of four lettuces, peas, rat-tail radish, French breakfast radish, spinach, lemon balm.
Sauteed zucchini (three types), yellow squash (two), carrots (three), and Vidalia onions seasoned with fresh oregano.
That's it for the home grown component. But there was also BBQ chicken, and home made garlic-oregano bread on the grill paired with a bottle of French wine. That was followed by fresh fruit and homemade peach brandy ice cream, which was followed by cognac. And all of that was followed by a nice evening rain. 

For breakfast we-- that'd be us plus four house guests-- had coffee, juice, and home made dewberry bran muffins.

And how's this for happy coincidence? Our guest, and one of Daughter C's guests, were both from the same place in France! Two French people on the Farm at the same time! We're so cosmopolitan. (Mr. Big Food & I cosmopolitan? Hahahaha... .)

Missy & a French person

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