Books Bygone

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

"One Nation Under Dog"

I do so wish my computer was working. I've taken a photo-- good thing, too, because Rocky just got up-- and will post it as soon as I am able. They were laying on the kitchen floor. Rocky was pointed this way <-- and Missy that --> ; his hip was tucked in her belly. They are being very quiet this morning. They got their dose of flea & tick repellent Monday evening, which means they can't go in the water until Thursday. It can be something of a struggle managing them if they don't get enough exercise, which they may not have yesterday as we were in the Delta. Despite that, this morning they are very calm. (I know, I know. Just wait until this evening!)

We talk from time to time about the dogs' lives-- even Suzy's, rest her soul-- here at the Farm. As you may recall, Daughter C. rescued Rocky from a life tied to a tree in West Point, Mississippi, a town that's had its share of human-promoted dog fights. Missy spent most of her first five months at the shelter in West Point and had I or someone else not come along... .

I was reminded of their backgrounds while reading Althouse's comments on the HBO documentary, "One Nation Under Dog." 

We don't have HBO and even if we did I'm not sure I could watch this. (I've seen several other mentions of it on the World Wide Web.) I mention Rocky & Missy's previous circumstances not to pat us on the back, but to highlight Althouse's take-away message:
Simply put, people need to be responsible with their dogs.
A couple of weeks ago in front of the Piglet sat a young woman and her daughter and a box of lab puppies. She wanted $50 a piece for them.*  Around the time a group had a kennel of rescued rescued dogs in front of Tractor Supply Co. No, that's not a typo. They had rescued dogs from the shelter before it was too late and they were trying to find them homes. Sad.

Wonder what he thought of "One Nation Under Dog?"
*Unemployment in my county hovers around 10-11%. It's a county of fewer than 10,000 people. Fifty dollars might be chump change where you live, but it isn't here. Puppies aren't products to be sold when times are tough.


  1. Dogs...the only true love money can buy...!

    (wish I could say that I was the originator of that thought, but I wasn't. It's still true, though)

  2. Blog June 20, Dogs...."Suzy, bless her soul." Have we missed something? Did "good dog" Suzy pass on to doggie heaven?
    Mr. Big Food's Aunt and Uncle

    1. I'm afraid so. I mentioned it here, but I think you were on vacation at the time. I'll email you.


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