Books Bygone

Friday, July 6, 2012

You have to pass a quiz before you can eat.

Bar-b-qued pork ribs with Sam's special sauce, Alix's cucumbers and cilantro, Alix's watermelon with a yummy dressing, bourbon sweet potatoes. And then there was Chris' Apple Pie and Ice Cream!
I mentioned on Independence Day that we always read the Declaration of Independence on Independence Day. This year was no exception, but there was a new twist. Not only did each of us have to read it, each of us had to pass a quiz on it before enjoying this wonderful supper. (That's a lie. I exempted myself.)

There were nine copies of the Declaration of Independence available for our guests to read, prompting Alix to ask, "How many copies of the Declaration of Independence do you have?" Enough for everyone.
It was as easy quiz, especially since everyone knew the question before reading.

Appreciating that requiring guests to read and pass a quiz before they can eat borders on the...  inappropriate, I broached the subject delicately.
ME: Well! Since it's Independence Day there's a condition on enjoying supper and it's that you have to read the Declaration of Independence-- including the grievances-- before you can eat. And pass a one question quiz.

SOMEONE: What are "the grievances?"

Here it was that I was awfully glad I'd read through The Declaration of Independence Annotated by Randy Barnett. 
The Declaration constituted high treason against the Crown and every person who signed it would be executed as traitors should they be caught by the British. Second, the Declaration was considered to be a legal document by which the revolutionaries justified their actions, and explained why they were not truly traitors.

They had to allege nothing short of a criminal conspiracy to violate their rights systematically. Hence, the famous reference to “a long train of abuses and usurpations” and the list that follows.
e.g., the grievences.

The quiz question was, of course, "What is your favorite grievance?"

It was a fun exercise. Folks took it very seriously. Great conversation starter. You should try it some time.

In my humble opinion, we would all do well to learn a bit more about the 

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