Books Bygone

Friday, August 10, 2012

Recipe: Chunk Pickles

A sweet bread & butter type
Recipe below.


1 quart pickling cucumbers
2 Tbsp pickling salt
1 quart water plus 1 C
Diluted vinegar (2-3 parts vinegar to 1 part water)
2 C brown sugar
2 C vinegar
1 Tbsp stick cinnamon
1 Tbsp celery seed
1 Tbsp whole allspice
1 Tbsp mustard seed

Combine pickling salt and 1 quart water, stirring to dissolve. Add cucumbers and let stand overnight.  Drain. Soak overnight in clear water. Wipe cucumbers dry and cut into chunks. Cook in diluted vinegar to cover until tender. Prepare pickling syrup by combining brown sugar, 2 C vinegar, 2 C water, and spices, and heating to boiling. Pack cucumbers loosely while hot into sterilized jars and pour over hot pickling syrup. Seal and process in a boiling water bath (10 minutes for pints, 15-20 minutes for quarts).

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