Books Bygone

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"... some things are worth fighting for... "

You can just imagine how the Chick-fl-A business is playing out in a state with a lot of churches. Via  Y'all Politics, here's Ron Williams', Libertarian candidate for US House District 4, take on the matter:
Let me make it clear, the CEO is being punished by government officials because he exercised his First Amendment right of free speech. The Constitution is very clear. When government restricts and punishes the people for exercising their First Amendment rights, then we are to default to the Second Amendment (right to keep and bear arms). These two mayors need to be introduced to the Second Amendment ASAP.
He later clarified:
I don't want anybody to go shoot anybody, but I want people to understand what a slippery slope we can be on and what the purpose of the Second Amendment is.
From the Sun Herald story:
Williams said his letter was meant to remind people that "some things are worth fighting for, if they cannot be remedied by any other measure."

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