Books Bygone

Friday, September 14, 2012

Rusty sounds a lot like Missy!

A great dogs story.
Among the cruelest truths of biology is this: A dog's life is considerably shorter than a human's life. The math is unforgiving; if you love a dog, you will lose a dog, and you will suffer the pain and biting lessons that death brings — probably several times over.

A million things are wrong when your dog dies. Here's just one: You become invisible. 
With a happy ending.
Rusty is almost full-grown, but he's still very much a puppy. That means he has puppy fits, when he wants to jump on everything and everyone, he wants to steal food, socks, remote controls, and anything else that I don't want him to steal.  If he's not getting what he wants, he literally bats people — in the face, even! — with his paw. 
As I type, Missy to standing in front of the door barking. A good thing? Well, yes. And no. She doesn't need to go out, she just wants to. 

h/t Instapundit for the story.

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