Books Bygone

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Than "We"

Please pardon the lack of blogging. It is not as if there's nothing to blog about!

The rain ruined the long John melons.

The Sonic Boom of the South was awesome (but not quite as awesome as a few years ago).

There was no fly over. Near the end of our National Anthem folks turned their heads in anticipation of the flyover. Disappointing.

The kids are here at the Farm and prompted a teeny dish washer unloading/loading dish banging rant from me.

I've begun skimming through The Art of Conversation. Much to say about this.

Missy is regressing. What to say about this?

And I would have thought the super smart people at PJMedia knew better than this:

Why our pets have better health care than us do.

I often write ungrammatically. Most of the time-- I hope-- it's intentional, "ain't no such thing," and so forth. But this is inexcusable. As James J. Kilpatrick would have noted, this should grate on one's ear. To be sure, it does on mine.

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