Books Bygone

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The lunch menu for my county's two high schools. Click to make bigger.
With all of the hubub about school lunches, I thought I'd take a look and see what the kids around here are eating.

Frankly, I don't think there is enough starch on the menu, but that's just me. And I wonder about some of the combinations-- who eats green beans with spaghetti? But I do like that many of the main items and a lot of the sides are classic Southern: hamburger steak and gravy, BBQ pork sandwich, blackeyed peas, and so on. All in all it doesn't look too bad for $2.25. Breakfast is only a buck and I could eat.

I conclude that the Food Police have not found my little county yet. 

UPDATE: I must be missing something. 

Either my little county is radically different from the rest of the state, or kids hate this kind of food. I was listening to SuperTalk this morning and this is all they could talk about. Almost every caller had a story about how creative the children are. One brought a couple of loaves of bread and some peanut butter to school and was selling sandwiches! Another double packed his brown bag for the same purpose. Lordy! It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad

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