Books Bygone

Monday, October 15, 2012

I laughed & laughed!

You often hear public-health officials talk about obese Americans. But for some reason political scientists tend to ignore them, even though they are a huge and expanding portion of the electorate. According to statistics, almost exactly half of all persons are above the median weight. That means that if the slim split evenly between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, ballots cast by heavyset citizens could literally decide the election. It may turn out that 2012 is the Year of the Adipose-American Voter.
I especially liked, "[a]ccording to statistics, almost exactly half of all persons are above the median weight."

From today's Best of the Web.


  1. I still haven't figured out how hungry children could be a major problem in the US, but at the same time, obesity is a major problem as well.

    I still think both problems could be approached by re-introducing home ec into junior hi and high school classes.

    And add Shop back, while we're at it.

    Skills are good. Brains are good, but super computer skills won't get dinner on the table!

  2. Well said!

    The only problem I see with Home Ec & Shop is this: Who's really qualified to teach these?

  3. Heh. Well...I suspect you or I could teach Home Ec. No degree except life experience, although maybe Animal Nutrition would qualify?? And then there are all those TV foodie shows - surely someone of those would qualify!
    Of course ... could they teach sewing!

    SEWING!!! What's _THAT_!! (and to be honest, the few fabric stores I've frequented in the last 10 years or so give me clear indication that the fabric alone is more expensive than buying the clothes new!)

    Shop? Only a few "shop" type shows on TV, but _somebody's_ watching them...must be some candidates out there.

    One of our customers is a former machinist. He's getting older and bemoaning the fact that he has no up and coming candidates he can will his extensive tool collection to. I mentioned that these days if you want someone to that kind of work, you need to be looking for a Mexican type person. He shook his head as if he wouldn't consider that option. Big mistake. Machining is apparently looked down upon these days. That means that "white" people don't do it as an occupation.

    The workers will inherit the earth, though. And those who are too genteel for physical labor will end up with the crumbs. I'm thinking England - and impoverished nobility. What good is a noble title without an income? Those who Those who can't...sit around and eat up their inheritance or become dependent on the government dole.

    I'm beginning to think the US may have reached the point of stagnation.

    1. Okay. I said that wrong (wrongly?). There are many qualified. It's just that they/we don't have the credentials to teach in public school-- we are not certified, according to the certifiable in the State.

      Years and years ago, I went back to school to get a teaching certificate in biology. O.M.G. My fellow students didn't know the difference between a plant and an animal but they could crank out A+ lesson plans and they knew how to identify "problem learners" and Make Learning Fun!!!!!

      That's what I meant.

      With respect to sewing-- because Miss M & I were talking about this. We saw some embroidered dish towels today. Nothing fancy. Just cross stitch with some cruel work on a flour sack. Cute, Mississippi themes. And then the same turned into pillows. Reminiscent of old Eastern European stuff. Perfect for gifts for my mother-in-law. Pillows: $60. M says, why not get the dish towels and make your own pillows? Good idea. Dish towels: $15. Mom, don't you know how to cross stitch? Indeed.

      I think the great fallacy of our time is that "workers" and "smart people" should be mutually exclusive groups.


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