Books Bygone

Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Fall

And you know what that means. The bugs are gravitating to the house. Okay-- that's clearly nor the correct word because gravity has nothing to do with it. But the bugs are homing in on the house.

Just when I thought we were all ready to settle in, Missy spied something-- a bug-- on the floor. She's got an eagle eye for small motions and her motions do not go unnoticed by Rocky (except when he's sound asleep). There was a brief flurry of activity.

And now... well, hard to say what's happening now.

Ahh. There she goes. Finally laying on the floor. Rocky's back with Mr. Big Food. Deep breaths all around.

And of course I breathed too soon. Damned bugs.

And now she whines at the door, indicating that she needs to go out yet again. I assist and tie her out. It's a cycle. Every time I open the door a bug comes in. She chases it, gets excited, and thinks she needs to go out.  To let her in, I open the door again. How to break the cycle?


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