Books Bygone

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bienvenue Français!

The blog has had a tremendous upsurge in traffic since Miss M began referring her facebook friends here.

See what I mean?
The last time the blog had such a huge amount of traffic (other than the times it was linked by real sites on the world wide web) it came from Romania-- so I knew it wasn't really people who were reading the blog, just robo-hits. This time?

Je ne crois pas qu'il!
Anyway... . As Jeff Foxworthy said, "Welcome all you danged foreigners from other nations!"

1 comment:

  1. input from them???

    They need to make comments - to prove their existence!

    By the way...although I suspect reviewing comments is more work for you, I like that I don't have to do the "prove you're not a robot" thing.

    I do wonder how the spam comment got by, though. Does the spammer go to each site and enter the "prove you're not a robot" thing? or is there some devious computer tool that facilitates bypassing it?

    I'm not devious enough for that sort of stuff. Yahoo had a report that the FBI picked up on a method of communication being used by terrorists - in order to bypass email searches - was to have an email source for which the respective parties shared a password. Emails were written, saved in Draft form, but never sent. By using the shared password, both - or any - parties could read the drafts and delete them - but not actually email them. Apparently this came to light as a result of the Petraeus investigation - as in was made public...obviously the FBI and others knew about it - and were able to access them - even though they hadn't been emailed. Hmmm.

    It does make you wonder about who's reading your stuff. The Rothschilds, who devised and ran the first postal system in Europe in the Middle Ages got their money and power by reading the "mail" they were entrusted with. Nothing new under the sun, I guess. Knowledge is power - in all sorts of ways!


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