Books Bygone

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Paco's letter to America

Hi, America. Are you insane?

You have just imposed the third term of Jimmy Carter on this formerly great nation. Why?

No, really, why? You have returned to office the most ignorant, ideologically hidebound and most myopic president of modern times. I take it, then, that you’re ok with unemployment in the 8% range, a stagnant economy, a foreign policy based on Emily Post’s book of etiquette, and a cavalier attitude toward the Constitution?

You black people (and white, too, for that matter) who voted for this guy due to his melanin content; you’re fine with record unemployment among African Americans as long as your totem is the right color?

You starry-eyed liberals who continue to harbor the illusion, despite an endless series of pistol-whippings by reality, that big government is going to usher in a golden age of equality and fairness and kumbaya communitarian love; you don’t see – you really don’t see – that the kind of leveling you desire will require state-sponsored oppression, and probably violence, on a massive scale?
Read the rest.

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