Books Bygone

Thursday, January 17, 2013

UPDATED. The snow is gone

and so is the Courthouse.
It's a strange sad day here. Heavy snow. No school. Now about 47 degrees. Kids on bikes milling around just beyond the tape. Grownups coming to look and then looking very sad. Rumors... the Grand Jury had just convened for its twice yearly session.

UPDATE: From the local newspaper:

the fire started when a power strip in a first-floor office on the southwest corner shorted out.


  1. I sure hope they had all that crappy old stuff backed up on the cloud...!

  2. I doubt it! Stuff was stored in vaults which apparently survived. We are not highly computerized out here!

  3. "We are not highly computerized out here!"

    I see that as both a plus and a minus. Good that the stuff was stored in obviously substantial, at least relatively fireproof vaults... The best thing is storage in something indestructible.

    On the other hand, is anything ever truly indestructible? I like the idea of a back-up of some sort off the premises...even if the back up isn't a physical piece of paper.

    On yet the other hand...counting toes at this point ... there's always the possibility of an EMP, or some massive electrical disaster which would render all our electronic bits and bytes as bits and bytes of absolutely nothing - which means that all our computer stuff we really value needs to be stored on hard copy ...someplace indestructible.

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't...!!

  4. We have struggled with this issue. I have. What about my books? Some things are not replaceable and are not readily digitized.

    Word in the paper is the salvaged documents are being freeze-dried to preserve them. I have not researched this.

  5. "Word in the paper is the salvaged documents are being freeze-dried to preserve them."

    Sounds like they got waterlogged - probably by the firemen working hard to make sure they didn't burst into flames inside their fireproof vaults. You'd think that if the vaults were fireproof, they'd also be waterproof.

    More info would be welcome - cause you gotta wonder! Still, they're also probably trying to cover all contingencies. If the crappy old stuff didn't get wet, then freeze drying isn't going to hurt them... and better safe than sorry is a good motto.


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