Books Bygone

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner! | The Dinner Table Round 5 UPDATED

Interesting pairing thus far at Table 2: Hunter S. Thompson & Willie Nelson; John Wayne & Grace Kelly; Thomas Edison & Kieth Richards
What with the hubbub associated with our frequent power outages last evening, I didn't get around to posting last evening's invitations list, most of whom are seated at Table 2. Here they are now.

Phillip K. Dick (Sci-fi author; Tony)
Jesse James (bandit; A. Leland; seated at Table 1 between Richard Feinmann and Lauren Becall, age 19)
Willie Nelson (musician and pot head; Mr. Big Food)
John Wayne (actor, patriot; me)
Jerry Garcia (musician; Miss M; Mr. Big Food used to follow the Dead)
Keith Richards (musician; Miss M's Friend)
Neal Stephenson (Sci-fi/Spec-fi author; Kat; seated at Table 1 between von Neumann and Teddy)
Lavar Burton (actor; Daughter C)

Tonight's invitees are a mixed bag... 

Bertrand Russell (philosopher; A. Leland)
Hunter S. Thompson (author; Mr. Big Food)
Thomas Edison (inventor; me)
Grace Kelly (Princess of Monaco; Miss M)
Denis Leary (actor; Miss M's Friend)
William Shatner (spokesman for Priceline (TM); Kat)
Nassim Taleb (author; Tony; more on this dude later)
Due to the power outages and my subsequent failure to post Monday evening's entire guest list, there was a miscommunication. Daughter C's Tuesday's choice will be posted as soon as I have it.

Alternatively... . One of my co-bloggers who has first-person knowledge of her choice is welcome to update! 

UPDATE: Diane Keaton (Actress; Daughter C)


Sidenotes in Dinner Party History

1. A. Leland was duped into believing that on Monday I had picked Russell, Tony had picked Frege, and Mr. Big Food had picked Wittgenstein. (That would have been some Monday!) He did not believe that Miss M. had picked Otto Neuradth.

2. Miss M's first pick tonight was not Grace Kelly. But she thought, given the Company, her first pick would not have fit in. 

3. Looking back, I wish I had picked my initial second pick person, rather than MLK. Not that I'm unhappy with MLK-- he's sitting between Lee & Jefferson--  but that I don't think my first second pick will find a place at The Table. 

4. Which brings us quite naturally to Tony's Tuesday pick, Nassim Taleb, who things that you learn when you let broken things break. Related.


  1. May I just say the whole "Lauren Becall-age 19" is really creepy.

    1. It's a movie reference but I can't remember what movie.


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.