Books Bygone

Friday, February 1, 2013

Mr. Big Food Laughed Out Loud!

I didn't do it on purpose, but I did something yesterday that caused Mr. Big Food to laugh out loud when he arrived home from work.

Mr. Big Food (laughing): Why is there a shotgun on the counter?

Me: It's loaded!!

Mr. Big Food (laughing): Why is there a loaded shotgun on the counter?

Me: I put it there so the dogs couldn't reach it.

Mr. Big Food (still laughing): What did you need the shotgun for?

Me: Those danged cats were upsetting the dogs.

Mr. Big Food (laughing harder): Did you shoot them?

Me: No. Of course not. 

Now, Mr. Big Food is not the sort of fellow that one would expect to see rolling on the floor, so I'd be exaggerating if I said he was rolling of the floor laughing his you-now-what off. But he was laughing pretty hard.

Mr. Big Food: I wonder how many other guys came home from work to find their wives had gotten the shotgun out?

Me (laughing): Probably not too many.

Mr. Big Food (rolling on the floor...): Be sure to discharge it before you put it away. And wear ear protection!

Me: Okay.

Just so there's no misunderstanding-- I did not intend to shoot the feral cats, only to warn them.

1 comment:

Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.