Books Bygone

Monday, February 25, 2013

Table One Has No More Vacant Seats

What seems like several years ago, but was really just two months ago, Mr. Big Food, Kat, Tony & I were rummaging around Greensboro where I found an orange date book. Late in December I have good intentions with respect to date books, so I bought an orange date book. Early in the New Year, I filled in dates that were set for January & February-- commitments to go to Starkvegas, houseguests, trips to Memphis and NOLA, not to mention farm projects-- and I said, "Holy Cow! We will be busy in January and February." And Mr. Big Food said, "Yes. Yes we will be."

It is February 25th. There are tornadoes lurking around, but we survived January and are trending to survive February. 

This past weekend was particularly harsh for us. We were in New Orleans and we were so busy we had to pause the Dinner Party Game until this evening. And so... . After a glorious morning with the dogs in the overgrown pasture, and some time spent doing mundane satisfying chores, and trip to Starkvegas... . We sat down to a wonderful dinner, thanks to Miss M. (vegan lasagne is good!) and played another round.

Wow. I'm going to post this now on account-- we like to say that-- on account of the fact that the power has gone off now three times. And although my trusty little computer can run on battery... .

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