Books Bygone

Monday, March 25, 2013

Another Notch

Newbie #218
Down on the range... .
I haven't really kept track of the number of I've-never-shot-a-gun-before folks who've shot at the Farm and it's now well past the time I could recollect who they all are. But I feel as if we are doing our part to promote a healthy understanding of guns and gun totting folk.

We begin with the rules because contrary to what some folks in Crazyland think, the vast majority of gun tottin' folks are not crazy. We then move on to a .22 or two. 

Several hours later

we eat!


  1. I am surprised that you don't have more people come shoot if that is how you are going to feed them.

    1. LOL. There were 7 shooters and 17 eaters. The reason more don't come shooting is that there's no ammo!

    2. Oh. And by the way-- I just looked in the fridge. There are no rib leftovers!


Be nice. Nothing inappropriate, please.