Books Bygone

Monday, March 18, 2013

By the Light

of the big yellow flash lights, we gathered round the hearth and chatted about the day.

I was told by the local power association fellow that they-- they, the Local Power Association-- had a line down and took a line down just up from us because there was a line down and power would be back on soon. Sometimes it's hard to get a lot of detail out of these fellows. 

Here is my optimistic understanding, along with a healthy dose of inference, of what he said. 

Our power was out earlier today, no doubt due to a downed line. The source of our outage may not have been the source of all possible outages for which our Local Power Association is responsible. So they patched the source of ours and other outages. And they did so such that by 5pm, everyone would have power, arrive home, fix supper, do some homework, lay out clothes for tomorrow, tidy up the kitchen, watch some tube, wash behind some ears and brush some teeth. And then they pulled the plug. Say your prayers in the dark. Catch some shut eye and wake up to a flashing alarm clock.

See? I can spin a just-so story. 

There is a pessimistic interpretation of my brief conversation with the fellow. But I like mine better so I'm sticking with it.

Meanwhile. Let's review a few things. 

A) Computer battery does last longer if the keyboard isn't illuminated and the back-lighting is turned way down. 

B) It helps to point a big flashlight at the ceiling-- this will sort of kind of illuminate the keyboard. And hey. If you can't type without looking at the keys, maybe you need to learn shorthand. (I would link some posts about Gregg shorthand but I can't really see what I'm doing.)

C) Here's a lesson learned. The storm today was quick, but particularly intense. After the power came back on, I engaged the "power cool" and "power freeze" on the fridge in the kitchen. I should have set all cooling appliances to "max" for a couple of hours. 

Whoo Hooo. See how that works? Just as Miss M had come back inside after having sat in her car burning gasoline so she could charge up her phone without draining her car battery...  the Power Is Restored. 

Big Life. 

Barring pessimistic interpretations of recent events, there will be a Big Ol' Pot of Coffee-- not a puny press pot-- tomorrow morning.

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