Books Bygone

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Clean Bill of Health | Updated. Shoud be "spat" not "spit"

Well. That was exciting!

I was just getting ready to recall events of the day-- notably, two trips to the vet, a careful reading of Chapter 7, and Mr. Big Food's phone interview with someone from CNN regarding guns and 2A, when Missy asked to go out one last time.  I tied her out (it's dark).  I brushed my teeth, spit spat, opened the door, and Missy was nowhere to be seen.

I did see a busted up cinder block. 

As a rational agent, Missy chose to come back to the house when I called, rather than spend the night outside tethered to half of a cinder block. Smart Dog.

Rocky is a great dog. He aims to please. He's very sociable. He is, is fact, a pretty mellow dog. As I write, he's belly up on the bed. The fact that the Vet Folks don't recognize that they are strangers to Rocky, and don't appreciate that Rocky's natural response to strangers/stress is fear, and that he manifests fear by growling, is no reason to castrate him and put him on doggy Prozac for 6 months. 

That's just not going to happen.

They both have a clean bill. No worms. 

Ain't Life Good?  

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