Books Bygone

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A GOOD Hang Out with Mr. Big Food

As you may recall, Mr. Big Food was invited to participate in a Google+ Hangout with the editors of GOOD Magazine and others. The topic was gun control-- not so much control of guns, per se, but the current divisive climate surrounding talk of the issue. One of the other guests was a very very liberal pro-gun, pro-Second Amendment woman. The other, a "common sense" gun control mom. Mr. Big Food was introduced as the "expert." 

The topic was framed as a Civil Rights issue. The Discourse was Civil. 

Here's a link to the video. It's about 31 minutes long-- way too long for me to embed, given my internet speeds which are better than dial-up but somewhat slower than ethernet.

What was interesting to us-- and what unfortunately Mr. Big Food didn't have the opportunity to mention-- was were he was hanging out during the Hangout.

2.2 miles off the intersection of Hwy 16 & [county road] 747; a big thanks to Miss M who helped us find Mt. Zion Church
Just as an aside, it is pretty cool that some folks in LA, Oakland, NC & bumfu&^ nowhere Mizippi-- forgotten site of a watershed event 49 years ago-- can chat in real time.

While the others "hopped into the hangout" from their homes, Mr. Big Food was at Mr. Zion Methodist Church, in Neshoba, Co., Miss.

These three guys were "Freedom Riders." They were investigating the burning of the church-- allegedly by the KKK-- when they were  kidnapped and killed. I'll leave it to you to search for the historical detail. The film, Mississippi Burning, is a highly fictionalized version of events. 

The 2.2 miles off the highway we traveled to get to this church [here I'm linking top hits for "Mt. Zion" written by folks who've never set foot in Mississippi] took us through rural Black Mississippi. 

I found the whole adventure sad. History here

There should be a museum here.

But that's never going to happen here.
The history of gun control in These United States of America is the history of a handful of people trying to make an objective argument for why they-- subjectively-- are better than I. 

If you don't believe me, watch what the "common sense mom" says in the video. She knows better than you or I. She is a tool, of course. Had she been around in the 60's, she would have advocated for keeping guns from Black folk in Alabama. Because, you know, they're prone to violence. 

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