Books Bygone

Friday, July 12, 2013

If Not for Him

July 12
Caius Julius Caesar 100-Ides of March 44bc. Roman general and ruler; statesman, scholar and writer; introduced the Julian calendar.
If it weren't for good old Julius
Josiah Wedgwood 1730-Jan. 3, 1795. Staffordshire potter, the greatest of English potters and one of the foremost in the world,

Henry David Thoreau 1817-May 6, 1862. New England author-naturalist; famous for the journal he kept for many years, 
George Eastman 1854-Mar 14, 1932. American pioneer in photographic industry, inventor of photographic improvements, including the kodak 1888; philanthropist and patron of music
would not have been born on today's date. 

from Anniversaries and Holidays: A Calendar of Days and How to Observe Them. Mary E. Hazeltine. American Library Association, Chicago. 1965.

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