Books Bygone

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Recipe: Bootheel Blackeyed Peas

Very good!
A. Leland made this dish for yesterday's gathering down on the Farm. The recipe comes from  Barbecue Greats Memphis Style by Carolyn Wells (Pig Out Publications, Inc., 1997). 

I'll reprint the recipe as it appears but note that all of us had questions as A. Leland talked about the recipe. What is a gallon of blackeyed peas? What does that mean? Given the instructions, and the fact that no water is called for, we assumed it meant a gallon of canned peas. We did some calculations and in the end, A. Leland used the recipe as a guide only. 

Adjustments to the recipe:

He used a little over 1 pound of homegrown, dried blackeyes (soaked overnight then rinsed). He added a couple of teaspoons Cajun seasoning to the peppers, onions, and ham as they were sauteing. After he added the blackeyes to the simmering pot of stuff, he added water to cover, and later, added more water (to his liking).

As the recipes correctly claims, this dish is great with barbecue!


3 medium fresh jalapeno peppers, chopped
3 medium onions, chopped
1 lb. ham, diced
1/2 C shortening
1 gal. blackeyed peas
2 smoked ham hocks

Brown jalapenos, onions, and diced ham in shortening until onions become translucent. Add blackeyed peas and ham hocks. Bring mixture to a boil and simmer for 2 hours. Great with any kind of barbecue!

Serves 6-8


  1. This was in the "free" section of our craigslist today - second time I've seen it offered. No takers so far, I guess. If you have any interest, email me and I'll check it out. You'd have to pay shipping, though! Book rate USPS definitely beats UPS...I've checked. I send lots of books!

    1. Yeah. Do I have your email address? Nope. Doesn't look like I do. Mine's under the contact tab.

      Let me know what you discover. Thanks for think of me!

  2. You don't have my email address? I thought that bloggers had access to that info on commenters. Maybe only if you have to register?

    My mistake...! And...I never noticed the "contact" tab. Yet another mistake! I would have just emailed the link!

    I'll email the poster of the ad and see if I can get any more info...I definitely don't need any more old books on _my_ bookshelves! Of course, we have a local "Friends of the Library", which takes all book donations and puts them on sale with profits going to the public I _would_ have an "out"...

  3. You don't have a blogger profile, guess that's why I don't have your email. I'll be on the look out for your email.


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