Books Bygone

Monday, October 28, 2013

Gettin' Back in the Swing: Words

It's great to be home!

I know. We've been home more than 24 hours and I should get over it already. But you know, I don't travel much anymore. And to tell the truth, I hadn't been on an aeroplane in a coons age. So you will excuse me for still being excited about being home, where we can feast, and then read our sentences.
I would like to pay homage to Mom and [Mr. Big Food] on this auspicious occasion.
--Miss M

Every human life is a homage to Hume's philosophy of human nature.
--A. Leland

To paraphrase something I read, I, myself, pay homage to Guttenberg every day.

"Homage to Rudolf Carnap" is one of Quine's better essays.
--Mr. Big Food

Daughter C requested to be the last to read her sentence, as Miss M was eating pie.

We pay homage to this humble pie.
--Daughter C

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