Books Bygone

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Recipe: Bean Porridge (Veganizable)

I know this doesn't look like much but it's remarkably good tasting!


Serves 6 to 8

1 pint black beans, washed, soaked overnight in water to cover, drained, rinsed
2 Tbsp chopped onion
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 tsp salt
2 whole cloves
2 quarts cold water or soup stock (the latter preferably homemade—see recipes in Basics section)
1 hard-cooked egg yolk
1/8 tsp pepper
½ tsp dry mustard
1 Tbsp flour
1 Tbsp fat
1 tsp sherry

Combine drained soaked beans, onion, celery, salt, and cloves with water or stock, and boil slowly until beans are soft. Rub beans and vegetables through a strained, and combine with sufficient cooking liquid to make “the consistency of thick cream.” Mash egg yolk with pepper and mustard, and stir into soup. Cook flour in melted fat to a golden brown roux, thin with a little of the bean cooking liquid, and stir into soup. Cook 5 minutes, thinning with additional bean cooking liquid if necessary. Add sherry and serve.

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