Books Bygone

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Say what?

Those acquainted with the language of France will have no trouble pronouncing today's word. However, if you happen to be-- as we-- knuckle draggin' Country Mice livin' in flyover land, please refer to the reference of your choice to hear denouement spoken.

As for the final denouement of her life, only time will tell.
--Miss M

We may have to wait several weeks for the denouement of the current budget drama.
--A. Leland

While the outcome of the current government "crisis" is utterly predictable-- Republican capitulation-- the denouement of the real American crisis remains beyond rational prediction.
--Mr. Big Food

In the Western film, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, denouement comes with the words, "You didn't shoot Liberty Valance, Pilgrim, I did."

1 comment:

  1. I started French 3 times. I did not succeed in becoming even minutely successful. German was a piece of cake for me. Even Greek wasn't a big problem, though with only one year, becoming conversant wasn't really an option.

    As far as I'm concerned, French is the root problem with a vast majority of our spelling misadventures. If it's hard to spell - or frequently misspelled - it's probably a word derived from French.

    Why do they have all those letters that they don't use? it's a waste of perfectly good letters! Even worse are the rules that ... well...sometimes we pronounce an end consonant, and other times we don't..just to confuse you, imo!

    French. Bah humbug!


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