Books Bygone

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

"Have a good day. Have a good year. Have a good life!"

That's how my mother concluded our conversation this evening. (She's so cute.) And so I did and hope to!

I figure, owing to my virtuous lifestyle and all, that today I hit the 1/2 way point.

So here's how my day went.

Mr. Big Food kissed me and wished me happy birthday at about 4:30am when he got up-- two hours before he brought me coffee.

At around 7am there was some collusion in & around the garage between Daughter C and Miss M. I was not welcome.

Daughter C hugged me and wished me happy birthday before she and Mr. Big Food left for Starkvegas at around 7:20.

Miss M did not have to go to school today. She gave me a bouquet

of felt-tipped markers around the time I was having a third cup of coffee.

This is a big deal. Felt-tipped markers are not all that easy to find these days.

And because Miss M was home, and it was my birthday, I did not have to do the dishes!

So I pulled up the rest of the beets. I scrubbed up the lawnmowers and put them away-- it was 76°-- and A. Leland and I and the chain saw and ax &c. headed to the woods.

So straight.
It was a hatchet job.
La de da. It was my birthday.

And then Daughter C and Mr. Big Food arrived at about 6pm and we welcomed a new family member!

Mr. N.I. Pine.
He's great. I can't wait to hear what he and Missy and Rocky talk about.

And then we got down to dinner.

steak on the grill

and staged stuff

It was  delightful dinner of grilled steak, twice baked potatoes, green beans. Miss M made a great salad...

And then, Mr. Big Food decided to set the place on fire while I opened A. Leland's gifts and Daughter C read aloud.

What a great day! I mean, seriously. Look at that.

That is some set it on fire end at the evening coffee drink. 

so. civilized.


  1. Happy Belated Birthday my friend! Looks like you had a terrific day!

    1. Thank you! I did have a terrific day! There was cake, too. :-)

  2. Happy birthday... Kid...!!

    1. Thanks!

      Sorry it took so long to reply. Had to go to Starkvegas today to get my DL re-upped. Had no idea how long it might take so I spent the day in the city!

      Just now catching up on Farm stuff like blogging.

      Thanks, again!


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